Jungle Safaries

Embark on an adventure jungle safari trip where you can experience the excitement of navigating jungle trails and discovering the natural habitat of a variety of wild animals, birds, and plants. Let’s explore the wilderness together in style!


We have been organizing adventure jungle safari trips for nature enthusiasts and travelers eager to learn more about wildlife. These trips also aim to inspire, especially young people, to forge a deeper connection with the forest and local ecosystems.

About Jungle Safaries

These are educational trips accompanied by some of our professors who provide all information about animals, plants and birds each and every time. Also, we arrange interactive sessions with the local people and naturalists. We organise various activities and brainswarming games during the trip like night-walks, bird watching trail, quizzes, debates, etc .along with the safaris it includes local sightseeing. 


Adventure jungle safari trips


Adventure jungle safari trips


Jim Corbett



Adventure jungle safari trips

